Aspect Analysis – Product

This aspect sees a game as mere product that is bought, and consumed. What will define the game as a product are:

  • The platform on which it is released. Releasing a game on a home console, handheld device or computer impact its gameplay, target demographic, and how it will be played
  • How it is distributed, its business model. Either it is free-to-play, premium, or subscription based.
  • The play venue it is aimed towards

They are one of the main criteria for buying a game.


Some games are made to be played alone, in a confortable place, some are made to be played while commuting by bus or subway, some are made to be seen being played by large crowds. That’s what venues are; conceptual spaces in which a game is played.

The concept comes from Jesse Schell’s The Art of Game Design, in which he lists 9 venues: 3 public, 3 private, and 3 mixed